What can you do to reduce contraction and transmission and contributing to the spread of this COVID19 pandemic?

There’s no magic potion here. You’ve heard it before and you’ll hear it again here, washing your hands the RIGHT way is the most effective thing you can do to prevent transmission of any infection - including COVID19.

Now - wearing a surgical mask is ineffective in preventing you from contracting the virus. Masks in general should be reserved for healthcare workers and those with active infection to reduce exposure. More importantly, most masks are not designed for airborne particles transmission prevention. Those in the healthcare field know there are the special N95 respirators we use in the hospital that you have to get fit testing for and are quite uncomfortable to wear for long periods of time. Even if not airborne virus - if your not wearing your mask 24/7 even during eating and sleeping, you can still transfer droplets from hands to mouth - unless you wash'em. 

So our best bet is hand washing appropriately. I know it sounds silly, but look at this graphic. The bright stuff that’s fluorescent under UV is dirty. You can see the difference between prolonged hand washing with soap versus other abridged ways of washing your hands in terms of eliminating foreign material including bacteria and virus. How often do you wash your hands for 30 seconds?!

Other precautions include to avoid sick contacts, avoid unnecessary travel, cough into your elbow not your hand, avoid crowded areas in states where it has been identified, eat healthy diet to give your natural immune system a quick boost, get a vaccine when it becomes available, and try to understand it rather than fuel the panic!